In today's fast-paced world, where artificial intelligence is reshaping the way we work, stress levels have never been higher. Though office professionals may appear composed in their crisp attire, beneath the surface they grapple with the same pressures as everyone else. Striving to excel, deliver standout results, and ultimately secure that elusive raise or promotion is a challenge faced by all.

Work isn’t just about showcasing your skills or chasing dreams—it’s also about earning a living and climbing the career ladder. If you’re finding it difficult to move up, dealing with office politics, or feeling overlooked despite your hard work, it might be time to evaluate your workspace through the lens of feng shui.

Unlock your professional potential with these 8 powerful feng shui tips designed to pave your way to a well-deserved raise and promotion.

8 Feng Shui Tips to Get a Salary Increase and Promotion At Work
Best Feng Shui Tips At Work

1. There should be a support behind the seat

When setting up your office desk, having something behind your back is one of the most important things. This is like having someone lean on and hold your head up.

Feng shui says that if there is a path or hallway behind your seat, you will find it hard to focus, feel unsafe, and work less efficiently. Because of this, pick a seat that has a wall behind it if you can, or add an extra table or shelf to support it.

2. Open front

When you look out from your desk, the front should be open and airy. It's not okay to have something in front of you or a small, narrow space that makes it hard to see. Your future will be hard to open up if your desk faces a wall, because all of your luck is blocked by the wall and can't grow.

3. There is no corridor around the seat

To feel safe, make sure your desk doesn't face a hallway or have one on either side. Straight roads are bad for your feng shui, just like choosing a house with a straight road. Making sure that your desk isn't right next to the hallway will help you get a raise and a promotion without any problems.

4. The seat does not face the house pillar

The best seat in the house shouldn't be facing the house column. Being on this kind of a seat is like getting hit with a stick in oil; you will definitely make mistakes at work and often get headaches and feel dizzy.

5. Too close to the door

If you sit close to the door, it will definitely slow you down at work.

The seat is farther from the door in the office if you are higher up. Also, this is true for employees; the seat has a position that goes with the high or low position. Choose a seat that isn't too close to the door if you have the freedom to do so. This will help you get a raise and a promotion.

6. Opposite the door or the road

The person sitting at a desk that faces the main road or the door will have problems that are bad for their health. You will often get sick or have bad things happen to you out of the blue. If your health is bad, you won't be able to focus on work, which will slow your career progress. You can make it less of a problem by adding shelves or screens.

7. Overhead with a beam

Like in home feng shui, you should not put a seat right under a beam. It's easy for sitting there to make you lose your mind, get confused, or make mistakes. If you're stuck in that spot, try to work out a way to move it so you don't have to deal with bad luck.

8. The seat is located at the corner or intersection of the corridor

The desk should not be set up in an unbalanced way or at the corner of the hallway. You will have a hard time at that job, and you will never be able to get a raise or a promotion. It's also not good to get along with coworkers; there are often disagreements or misunderstandings.

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