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Divorce Rate in the US (2024 Report)

41% of first marriages are predicted to end in divorce. Up to 60% of second marriages end in divorce. Divorces occur in third marriages-73% of the time

Top 11 Cities with the Highest Divorce Rate in the US: 17% to 24%
Top 11 Cities with Highest Divorce Rate In The US

Divorce Rate: Quick Fatcs

• 230 marriages occur per hour, whereas 86 divorces occur every hour.

• For a variety of factors, the United States' marriage and divorce rates are declining.

• Before divorcing, first marriages typically last eight years.

• The divorce rate is declining as a result of millennials delaying marriage and prolonging their marriage.

• Following a divorce, up to 52% of women and 64% of men will get married again.

• The most likely age range for couples to break up is 18 to 24.

Big Divorce Trends In The US Today

"Gray divorce," or the dissolution of marriages by couples over 50, is one rising trend. According to the American Psychological Association, these people have particular emotional and financial difficulties when quitting long-term partnerships. Since 1990, the rate has tripled, making it more difficult for couples in high-net-worth divorces to divide assets and make sure they would have enough money in their golden years.

American Marriage and Divorce Today

In the latter part of the 20th century, marriage underwent a number of legal, social, and economic changes. In the years following World War II, an increasing number of women started working outside the home, opening doors to independent living and financial stability outside of marriage. A greater focus on obtaining higher education and developing one's job has made young people delay getting married. In the 1960s and 1970s, states started to enact no-fault divorce laws, which made dissolving a marriage less difficult. Couples are now more likely to live together, share a bank account, and raise children before getting married—or never get married—due to shifting societal and cultural views.

These patterns have led to a decrease in the total number of weddings as well as a delay in the first-marriage age of individuals. Five decades ago, there were 10.9 weddings per 1,000 individuals in the United States; today, there are just 6.5. The age of first marriage is rising for those who do decide to get married. In the United States, the median age of a first marriage was only 22 in the early 1970s. That number had risen to 28.8 by 2018.

The likelihood that married couples will remain together has also been impacted by these changes. The mid-20th century saw the entry of women into the workforce, and as feminism and the sexual revolution gained traction, divorce rates increased sharply in the 1960s and 1970s. In the United States, the divorce rate per 1,000 persons increased from 2.2 to 5.2 between 1960 and 1980. However, the rate started to gradually decline after 1980, and as of 2018, there were only 2.9 divorces for per 1,000 individuals.

An Increase in Adults Opting to Live Alone or Remain Single

An increasing number of working-age adults are opting to live alone. Many people have finished their education and entered the workforce right away, without taking the time to consider getting married. Some are divorced and opt not to get married again. Marriage is occurring later in life for both men and women, if at all.

Even with the financial hardships that single adults experience, many still prefer to remain single versus getting married or living together. The main reason this trend is intriguing is that longer-lasting unions are typically associated with better financial circumstances.

Top 11 Cities with Highest Divorce Rate in the US

1. Belen, New Mexico

Divorce rate: 24.2%

The capital city of New Mexico with the highest divorce rate is Belen. The divorce rate is 24.2 percent, which is incredibly high when compared to all other American cities. In this city, marriage is not promoted.

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2. Lebanon, Kentucky

Divorce rate: 24 %

The number of divorces has been steadily rising as a result of people not waiting as long as they formerly did to get married, according to recent figures.

Lebanon, Kentucky has a divorce rate of 24.0%, which is far higher than the national average. The southern states, particularly Kentucky, continue to have higher divorce and separation rates than the national norm.

3. South Pasadena, Florida

Divorce rate: 23.9%

The 23.9 percent divorce rate in South Pasadena, Florida, serves as evidence that marriage is never an enjoyable experience. In the past, South Pasadena couples had experienced difficulty accessing marital treatment.

4. Laughlin, Neveda

Divorce rate: 21.9%

It has long been known that the divorce rate in Nevada is higher than average. Laughlin has the highest divorce rate in Nevada at 21.9%.

One example is the atmosphere in Laughlin, which pushes people to get married quickly and without thinking about the possible outcomes of this circumstance.

5. The Oregon town of Umatilla

Divorce rate: 21.6%

Umatilla is the fourth city with the highest divorce rate. Given these details, it is evident that Oregon is the state's divorce capital and has a less official town. Umatilla has a dismal divorce rate of 21.6%, indicating that divorce is a common occurrence in this region.

6. Newport, Arkansas

Divorce rate: 21.3%

Newport, Arkansas, has one of the highest divorce rates in the state at 21.3%, making it the top city in Arkansas. The three main reasons for separation were financial concerns, dishonesty, and inconsistent behavior. A significant component of divorce that has come to light is indifference to effort.

7. Pinedale, Wyoming

Divorce rate: 21%

21% of Wyoming couples choose to tie the knot young, with women getting married at 25 and men at 26.6. However, Wyoming has some of the highest rates of divorce and marriages lasting three years or more in the country. The divorce rate in Pinedale, the state capital of Wyoming, is 21.0%.

8. Brookings, Oregon

Divorce rate: 20 %

Remarkably, Brookings, located in Curry County, Oregon, houses more divorcees than any other town of comparable size in the United States. Data from the US Census Bureau show that 20% of Brookings locals are divorced. Given that the median age of Brookings residents is 46.7 years old, it is possible that the high divorce rate and the absence of millennials are related.

The highest divorce rate in the United States is found in the sleepy coastal town of Brookings, Oregon.

The Brookings area is home to more than 19,500 people and is roughly 12 square miles in size along the coast. Looking at this picturesque location and tight-knit society, you would never guess that divorce is so common.

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9. Taos, New Mexico

Divorce rate: 17.4%

Taos is well-known in the area for its art galleries and ski areas. Although it's not as well-known for divorces, Soul of the Southwest in New Mexico has more divorcees than most towns, according to census data. The divorce rate among Taos people is about 17.4%. Additionally, 32.2% of people in the town are single and have never married, which is an exceptionally high number for a community.

Perhaps Taos people are just too adventurous and artistic to live in one place for very long. Or perhaps insufficient money prevents singles from starting a family. In Taos, the average household income is approximately $31,000, while the per capita income is $15,983. Collectively, the population that is below the poverty level is close to 25%.

10. Pahrump, Nevada

Divorce rate: 17.2%

In Nye County, Nevada, Pahrump has created a triangular oasis in spite of the dry conditions of the Mojave Desert. Although Pahrump doesn't appear to be much from the outside, it is the largest settlement in the county with 37,000 residents. In addition, the divorce rate there is the highest in the region. According to the census, 17.2% of Pahrump inhabitants said they were divorced.

11. McMinnville, Tennessee

Divorce rate: 17.1%

It's unexpected to find good ol' Tennessee on this list of dysfunctional and mixed families because the South places a high priority on family. However, McMinnville ranks among the most divorce-ridden townships in the United States with a 17.1% divorce rate. Over 32,000 people live in the town, which is located in a 10-square-mile section of Warren County.

Once more, the high divorce rate in this quaint town is probably due in part to poverty. Although McMinnville has an average household income of $30,136, 29.3% of its citizens are impoverished. McMinnville's poverty rate is far lower than that of the rest of the nation, which stands at 12.7% nationwide.

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