Top 12 Most Poisonous Fruits in the World You Must Avoid
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Why are certain fruits poisonous?
Natural poisons are harmful chemicals that occur naturally in fruits and plants. Plants develop them to defend themselves against fungus, insects, and predators, serving as a protective mechanism for the plant.
Amygdalin is found in stone fruits like peaches and apricots. Amygdalin, commonly known as laetrile, is a naturally occurring substance found in apricot seeds, bitter almonds, apples, peaches, and plums. The toxin is not found in the fruit, so unintentionally ingesting a seed or pit will not hurt you.
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Top 13 Most Poisonous Fruits In The World |
Fruits do not contain poison, but the seeds of stone fruits such as apricots, cherries, plums, and peaches do contain a chemical known as amygdalin, which when consumed converts to hydrogen cyanide. |
Top 12 Most Poisonous Fruits In The World
1. Yellow Starfruit
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Have you ever had a starfruit? They're actually quite tasty, and Authority Nutrition believes they also have a few health benefits. Star fruit is low in calories, high in fiber, and rich in vitamin C. This sweet and sour little fruit with edible peel appears to have a lot going for it.
Unfortunately, for anyone with weak kidneys, star fruit has significant levels of oxalates. That doesn't mean star fruit is completely off the table for you, but if you've ever had kidney stones or other renal disorders, you should definitely consult your doctor about it. In some situations, consuming too much star fruit can result in renal damage, seizures, or even death.
People on prescription prescriptions should also exercise caution, as star fruit, like grapefruit, can interfere with pharmaceuticals, so consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming.
2. Ackee (Blighia Sapida)
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Ackee |
Akee (Blighia sapida) is a tropical fruit native to West Africa. It is distinguished by its pear-shaped shape and delicate, creamy flesh. Akee has a somewhat nutty flavor and is commonly used in cooking, particularly West African and Caribbean cuisine.
But beware: while akee is safe to eat when completely mature and cooked, the unripe fruit and seeds of the akee plant contain toxins that, if consumed, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors. In severe situations, eating unripe akee can be lethal.
3. Stone Fruit Pits
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The pits of several stone fruits, such as cherries, apricots, plums, and peaches, contain a tiny secret surprise: Cyanogenic chemicals! (In other words, the makings of cyanide.) Swallowed hole, the pit will pass through without issue; however, if you chew it before or eat it already pulverized, things could go unpleasant. What amount would be sufficient? Anywhere between.5 to 3.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight can be fatal. The European Food Safety Authority estimates that adults should not consume more than three tiny apricot seeds in one session.11 A toddler is at risk of poisoning with just one little kernel.
4. Pangium
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Pangium |
Pangium, a tall tree native to Southeast Asia, thrives in swamplands. Pangi, nicknamed the "football fruit," is one of the world's most deadly fruits. It is only edible after fermentation.
Pangi seeds contain hydrogen cyanide, which can cause death if consumed raw. People who use these seeds as a spice in recipes like beef stew take many precautions to avoid swallowing something poisonous.
Pangi seeds are boiled, then buried in ash with banana leaves for 40 days! This causes hydrogen cyanide to be released while the seeds ferment. The kernels of the seeds are pulverized and utilized in many Indonesian recipes.
5. Jatropha
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Jatropha, which looks similar to a mango on the outside, is one of the world's most toxic fruits. This fruit grows in both Hawaii and Latin America. It's nicknamed "purge nut" and "black vomit nut" for a reason.
As it ripens, this little fruit turns green, yellow, then brown. According to history, this tree and its fruit were originally employed for therapeutic purposes as well as "living fences." The seeds contain a high concentration of ricin, which can lead to the following.
Burning in the throat
Stomach ache.
Heart failure.
6. Yew Berry
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Yew Berry |
When you look at a yew berry, you may not realize it is one of the most hazardous fruits. These crimson olive-like fruits grow on trees and attract a variety of wild critters.
You have to wonder how many people experimented with numerous methods of digesting a dangerous plant before figuring out just how to eat it without becoming sick or dying. One of many instances of this type of plant is the elderberry plant, which comes in a variety of forms.
The roots, stems, leaves, and seeds of an elderberry plant contain a cyanide-inducing glycoside, making them poisonous. The poison causes a buildup of cyanide in the body, which can result in vomiting, diarrhea, coma or death. The berries also retain a trace quantity of the poison in their little seeds, which is removed when properly collected and cooked. Once cooked, it can be used to make syrups, jams, and pies. It can even be turned into elderberry wine. Let us raise a glass to all those who braved the elderberry's negative effects so that we can enjoy it in safety.
7. Strychnine
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The strychnine tree is native to Australia and Southeast Asia, but it was in Europe that it truly saved the day, since the toxic plant was the primary element in the rat poison used to combat the bubonic plague.
The strychnine tree is also known as "snakewood" and "poison nut," most likely due to the deadly berries it produces. It has been used for millennia for medical purposes, but it is arguably best recognized as the murder weapon of choice for villains in both fiction and real life throughout history. Strychnine ingestion causes manic convulsions in the body, which can be severe enough to tear muscle from bone. Victims are believed to have achieved body positions that would not have been possible otherwise, and died as a result of weariness or cardiac arrest.
READ MORE: 10 Best Magic Fruits To Prevent Cancer And Fact-Check
8. Rhubarb
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Rhubarb |
Rhubarb is actually a vegetable, but it is typically cooked as a fruit, so we've included it on our list. My grandmother frequently made strawberry-rhubarb pie in her home kitchen, and I remember how shocked I was when she casually stated to me that the plant's leaves, which my grandfather grew in his yard, were deadly.
When consumed in high quantities, the glycosides and oxalates in rhubarb leaves can cause throat and mouth burning, stomach pain, kidney problems, and even unconsciousness. Deaths are uncommon, but several have been reported. The plant's stalk alone is edible, adding a sweet and sour flavor to pies, jams, and sauces. Add this to the list of "what were they thinking when they kept trying to eat this thing?"
9. Pangium Edule
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Pangium Edule |
This fruit ranks last on our list of the world's most deadly fruits. Pangium edule, a tall tree, is native to Southeast Asia's mangrove wetlands and grows to large heights.
It is dioecious, which means that male and female blooms are produced by different individuals on the same plant.
It produces a large deadly fruit, which can be fermented into something edible. To eat the pangium edule fruit, we must bury the boiling seeds under banana leaves for months to release the cyanide. People utilize it in a variety of dishes when prepared correctly and safely.
READ MORE: Top 10 Most Popular Fruits In The World
10. Chaya
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Chaya |
Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa) is a tropical plant native to Central and South America. It is distinguished by its enormous, glossy leaves and thick, woody stem, which are frequently used as a natural treatment for a range of diseases. However, chaya is a dangerous plant that can cause injury if consumed.
Toxins are present in all sections of the chaya plant and can produce symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors when consumed. Chaya's toxins are particularly harmful because they are not eliminated by heating or boiling and must be properly removed before the plant can be consumed.
11. Manchineel
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Another of the world's most deadly fruits is manchineel. While the fruit, which resembles a granny smith apple, is deadly when consumed, simply touching the plant can be hazardous.
The tree and fruit can cause edema and mouth ulcers. The sap from the tree can quickly burn, blister, and cause severe skin damage. This coastal tree is usually ringed by warnings and painted red as a warning to stay away.
The manchineel tree can grow to 50 feet tall and produces little brilliant green fruits. Keep a safe distance if you come across one of these trees on their native Florida shore. The poison in the sap and fruit was historically employed in the same way as strychnine to produce lethal arrows.
12. European Spindle
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European Spindle |
The European spindle is a fruit that can be hazardous if you are not near a restroom. Unlike the first two on this list, it is not as lethal. In fact, numerous birds and insects consume European spindles.
This tree grows throughout Europe. It can be found deep in the forests or on hedges around residential areas. Humans should never consume the berries and blooms of the European spindle.
It has a comparable effect to a laxative. That isn't all the European spindle can do for your body. This orange and pink fruit can cause severe stomach pain, cramps, and nausea.
Fruit is a popular snack, with options ranging from juicy watermelon to tart raspberries. Most fruits are considered nutritious and a healthier alternative to confectionery and junk food.
You have known that there are some risky fruits that can be toxic if eatento avoid.
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