Top 25 Most Popular Poems for Thanksgiving Of All Time
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Top Most Famous Poems for Thanksgiving Of All Time |
Thanksgiving is day which is celebrate by everyone in USA Country. It is traditional festival.
For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, it is a time for families gathered together to reflect on all the good things in their lives and give thanks. In this spirit, it can bring celebrants joy to read famous poems to mark the holiday and its meaning.
You can also even write one poem on each person's place setting at dinner for a fun, festive touch.
The poems listed below are a great way to help show how much you are thankful for everything around you.
Top 25 Most Popular Poems About Thanksgiving
1.The Approach of Thanksgiving
Poet: Eugene Field
There is a dawning in the sky
Which doth a world of fate imply,
And on each casual passing face
A look expectant you may trace.
These signs the veteran turkey sees
And with a deep and mournful sigh,
He calls his numerous family nigh
And murmurs, pointing to the trees,
"Roost high, my little ones, roost high! "
2.Fill Your Heart With Thanksgiving
Poet: Helen Steiner Rice
Take nothing for granted, for whenever you do
The "joy of enjoying" is lessened for you -
For we rob our own lives much more than we know
When we fail to respond or in any way show
Our thanks for the blessings that daily are ours . . .
The warmth of the sun, the fragrance of flowers,
The beauty of twilight, the freshness of dawn,
The coolness of dew on a green velvet lawn,
The kind little deeds so thoughtfully done,
The favors of friends and the love that someone
Unselfishly gives us in a myriad of ways,
Expecting no payment and no words of praise -
Oh, great is our loss when we no longer find
A thankful response to things of this kind,
For the joy of enjoying and the fullness of living
Are found in the heart that is filled with thanksgiving
3.Thanksgiving Thought
Poet: Eleanor Halbrook Zimmerman
Thanksgiving comes but once a year,
And yet the whole year round
The heart of love, the heart of cheer
Will make a joyful sound;
And we who keep Christ's loving way
Will have Thanksgiving every day.
Thanksgiving comes but once a year,
But harvests need not wait;
We can cast all our doubt and fear
Daily, and soon or late
Find harvests in our hearts that shine
More fair than wheat fields can design.
Rejoice on this Thanksgiving Day
That it peed have no end;
That every' hour in every way
Life is a steadfast friend
To all who practice well the art
Of true Thanksgiving in the heart!
4.A Thanksgiving
Poet: Wilhelmina Stitch
To each his song of thankfulness; each heart its song of praise;
and some will think of fertile fields, of golden wheat and maize;
and some will think of clinking gold, of solid pompous wealth;
and some will think of Love's high gift, and some will think of health.
But this my song of thankfulness, and this my song of praise—
thank God for all the friendly books, for every magic phrase;
for all the clever laughing books; for books that make one weep;
for books one reads to little folks that they may sweetly sleep.
To each his song of thankfulness; for me this song of praise—
thank God for all the lilting books, the rhythmic, glowing lays;
for all the rich romantic books; for books like gentle hands;
for books that take us on winged words to spirit-healing lands!
If you celebrate Thanksgiving to show gratitude, what better way to express it than with poetry? |
Poet: Patience Strong
We're very quick to voice complaints, and grumble with a frown,
If things go wrong and all our castles crash and tumble down.
We air our little grievances, when we come home at night -
And in that frame of mind you find that nothing turns out right...
If only we would make a list - a new one every day-
Of all the blessings we receive as we go on our way -
We'd never reach the end of it - you'd be surprised to find,
How many lovely little things would crowd into your mind....
God pours His blessings from about - but we're to blind to see -
And so we are the victims of our own stupidity...
We fret our little lives away - we week and doubt and grieve -
If only we would lift our hands and gratefully receive -
The blessings He bestows on us if we but watch and pray -
And look beyond the clouds to see the glory of each day.
Poet: Cobb
For harvest safely stored away,
For snug warm home when skies are gray,
For work well done and it's reward,
Throughout this happy land is heard
For all the blessings of the year.
For all the friends to us so dear.
For sweet content this glad day brings,
My heart breaks out in joy and sings
7.Thanksgiving Day
Poet: Edward Sherwood Creamer
At the gateway of the winter now comes Thanksgiving tide.
In the glory of its atmosphere, its pie and turkey pride,
And it is most becoming that its cheer should far and wide abound.
E'en going to the humblest home where'er it may be found.
In olden time Thanksgiving was for harvests poor or good.
The corn, the pumpkin, wheat, and all that gave a livelihood,
For poor returns the Pilgrims held up their hearts in praise,
Far greater should our thanks be that live in these glorious days.
Then welcome be Thanksgiving with its manifold feasts and joys;
Under many a homestead roof now gather the girls and boys;
And though some of us fail somewhat in harvests where we strive,
We should be thankful for our hopes, and that we are alive.
Then pass around the turkey, the mince and apple pies;
Don't slight the poor and needy if in wisdom you'd be wise,
To relieve distress our people have only to be told,
For Lord be thanked the human heart is yet as good as gold!
8.A Good Thanksgiving
Poet: Marian Douglas
Said old gentleman Gay, "On a Thanksgiving Day,
If you want a good time, then give something away."
So he sent a fat turkey to shoemaker Price;
And the shoemaker said: "What a big bird! How nice!
And since such a good dinner's before me I ought
To give poor widow Lee the small chicken I bought."
"This fine chicken, O see!" said the pleased widow Lee.
"And the kindness that sent it, how precious to me!
I would like to make some one as happy as I;
I'll give washwoman Biddy my big pumpkin pie."
"And sure," Biddy said, "'tis the queen of all pies.
Just to look at its yellow face gladdens my eyes.
Now it's my turn, I think; and a sweet ginger-cake
For the motherless Finnigan children I'll bake."
"A sweet cake all our own! 'Tis too good to be true,"
Said the Finnigan children. Rose, Denny, and Hugh:
"It smells of sweet spice, and we'll carry a slice
To poor little lame Jake, who has nothing that's nice.
"O, thank you and thank you," said little lame Jake:
"What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful cake!
And such a big slice! I'll save all the crumbs
And give them to each little sparrow that comes."
And the sparrows, they twittered as if they would say,
Like old gentleman Gay, "On a Thanksgiving day,
If you want a good time, then give something away."
9.Hope This Thanksgiving
Poet: Judith A. Lindberg
The simplicity is overwhelming,
For what we plant, we also reap
Lord, grant us soul seeds,
That we may plant them with love,
Weather them with tears of compassion,
Nurture them with embraces of warmth,
Protect them from the storms of life.
Bless this bounty with grace and gentleness,
That the harvest will be abundant
In love, in trust, to be shared
With those closest to our hearts.
May we plant soul seeds for strength,
Harvested in hope this Thanksgiving,
For all the days and years that follow.
10.The True Thanksgiving
Poet: Unknown
There is no heart so bleak and bare
But heaven has sent some blessing there;
No table, e're so sparsely spread,
But that a grace should there be said.
No life but knows some moment blest.
Of sweet contentment and of rest;
No heart so cold but heaven above
Hath touched it with the warmth of love.
For those who suffer and endure
There is God's mercy ever sure,
And patience wins a fairer crown
Than wordly honor or renown.
Not in the mansion reared in pride
Doth happiness alone abide,
For oft the place knoweth not
The joy that bless an humble cot.
So count you blessings, one by one,
At early morn and set of sun,
And, like an incense, to the skies
Your prayers of thankfulness shall rise.
Look for the love that heaven sends,
The good that every soul intends.
Thus you will learn the only way
To keep a true Thanksgiving day.
Poet: James Whitcomb Riley
Let us be thankful – not only because
Since last our universal thanks were told
We have grown greater in the world’s applause,
And fortune’s newer smiles surpass the old –
But thankful for all things that come as alms
From out the open hand of Providence: –
The winter clouds and storms – the summer calms –
The sleepless dread – the drowse of indolence…
This Thanksgiving poem sees Riley encouraging his fellow Americans to give thanks, not just because it’s that time of year, but because America is growing in the world and becoming a more important nation. |
12. The Landing of the Pilgrims
Poet: Felicia Dorothea Hemans
The breaking waves dashed high,
On a stern and rock-bound coast,
And the woods against a stormy sky
Their giant branches tossed;
And the heavy night hung dark
The hills and waters o’er,
When a band of exiles moored their bark
On the wild New England shore.
Not as the conqueror comes,
They, the true-hearted came;
Not with the roll of the stirring drums,
And the trumpet that sings of fame;
Not as the flying come,
In silence and in fear; –
They shook the depths of the desert gloom
With their hymns of lofty cheer…
The English poet Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1793-1835) heads this list of great Thanksgiving poems because she was born the earliest; but her poem about the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers on the shores of Massachusetts in 1620 seems like a fitting place to begin this pick of poems about the Thanksgiving holiday. |
13.Thanksgiving Comes But Once a Year
Poet: Thornton W. Burgess
Thanksgiving comes but once a year,
But when it comes it brings good cheer.
For in my storehouse on this day
Are piles of good things hid away.
Each day I've worked from early morn
To gather acorns, nuts, and corn,
Till now I've plenty and to spare
Without a worry or a care.
So light of heart the whole day long,
I'll sing a glad Thanksgiving song."
14."Giving Thanks"
Poet: Unknown
Giving Thanks
For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home -
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
For the cunning and strength of the workingman's hand,
For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
For the friendship that hope and affection have brought -
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
For our country extending from sea unto sea;
The land that is known as the "Land of the Free" -
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
15.Thanksgiving Observance
Poet: Unknown
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.
16.A Thanksgiving Prayer
Poet: Blanche Lea Walden
For those who bravely dared to face
The wolf-fangs of the sea,
To find a land where they might dwell
In faith and liberty.
For pioneers who blazed the trails
And broke the virgin sod
With strength and spirit, firm, and sure,
Today, we thank thee, God!
For ancestors with a vision
As wide and deep and high
And as filled with stars of promise
As the eternal sky,
For health and homes and country
And laughter, sweet and gay
For all of these - and love and faith
We thank thee, God, today!
17.Hope This Thanksgiving
Poet: Judith A. Lindberg
The simplicity is overwhelming,
For what we plant, we also reap.
Lord, grant us soul seeds,
That we may plant them with love,
Weather them with tears of compassion,
Nurture them with embraces of warmth,
Protect them from the storms of life.
Bless this bounty with grace and gentleness,
That the harvest will be abundant
In love, in trust, to be shared
With those closest to our hearts.
May we plant soul seeds for strength,
Harvested in hope this Thanksgiving,
For all the days and years that follow.
18.Thanksgiving Song
Poet: Laura Lee Randall
This is the day the Lord hath made;
Be glad, give thanks, rejoice;
Stand in his presence, unafraid,
In praise lift up your voice.
All perfect gifts are from above,
And all our blessings show
The amplitude of God's dear love
Which every heart may know.
The Lord will hear before we call,
And every need supply;
Good things are freely given to all
Who on His word rely.
We come today to bring Him praise
Not for such gifts alone,
But for the higher, deeper ways
In which His love is shown.
For sin destroyed, for sorrow healed.
For health and peace restored;
For Life and Love by Truth revealed,
We thank and bless the Lord.
This is the day the Lord hath made,
In praise lift up your voice.
In shining robes of joy arrayed,
Be glad, give thanks, rejoice.
19.What's The Use
Poet: Douglas Malloch
What's the use of always weepin',
Making trouble last?
What's the use of always keepin'
Thinkin' of the past?
Each must have his tribulation -
Water with his wine;
Life, it ain't no celebration,
Trouble - I've had mine -
But today is fine!
20.Thankful For Many Things
Poet: Julie Hebert
I am thankful for my family,
My friends I feel the same.
Life is filled with many thanks,
Life is the perfect game.
Life is filled with treasures,
If you're a lucky one.
Be grateful and be humble,
And share them with someone.
But one thing we must remember,
We are not the one to thank.
There is a higher power here,
That we must give first rank.
I am thankful for my life,
And all that it holds.
I'm excited to see what's next for me,
Lets see how it unfolds.
21.A Special Day
Poet: Julie Hebert
Thanksgiving is a special day,
A day we give our thanks.
For all the people in our lives,
And the money in our banks.
Thanksgiving is a special day,
A day we share the joy.
We come before a lavish meal,
One we quite enjoy.
Thanksgiving is a special day,
Togetherness, all families the same.
Time spent in happiness,
We may even plan a game.
But most importantly Thanksgiving,
Is a day to remember.
Be grateful for all you have all year,
January straight through to December.
22.Thankful Heart
Poet: Henry Coyle
Father, we lift our thankful hearts to Thee
With gratitude, for all Thy bounty free,
For love, and friends, for home, for faith's pure light,
For health, for harvest store, for rest at night -
For every blessing showered from above -
Bestowed on us unstinted, by Thy Love
And thoughtful care; O hear us, as we pray,
Father in heaven, this Thanksgiving day.
Watch over us, be Thou our Stay and Guide,
Thro' day and night; guard us from sinful pride,
For we are human, weak and prone to wrong,
And by Thy grace alone are we made strong.
Give us our dally bread, our wants supply,
And touch our hearts that we may not deny
The widow and the orphan of their share
Of what we have - relieve their want and care.
O grant that we may keep Thy law, and live
A Christian life; our enemies forgive;
That we may love our neighbor, work for peace.
That so Thy glory may on earth increase.
23.Night's Blessings
Poet: Eldred Herbert
When I go to bed and cannot sleep,
I don't waste time by counting sheep;
I count all my blessings, one by one,
From the early morn tiill the settling sun;
The day so new, the sunrise so clear,
I started my day with thankful prayer;
Thanked God for husband and children two,
Freckled-face boy, girl with eyes of blue.
Thanked God for ability to work,
And from life's battle I did not shirk;
I thanked Him for guidance through the day,
He is my Buckler from tempter's sway.
And when I was tempted to be rude,
I turned to my Lord in solitude;
His strength sufficient, my soul restored,
Just one more blessing from the Lord.
When day is done and I lay in bed,
I feel God's blessing upon me spread.
If you are restless and cannot sleep,
Just count your blessing's instead of sheep;
You will find the solitude is right,
You will feel His presence in the night;
Then rest shall come, repose in sleep,
When you count blessings instead of sheep.
24.The ABC's of Thanksgiving
Poet: Unknown
Although things are not perfect;
Because of trail or pain;
Continue in Thanksgiving;
Do not begin to blame;
Even when the times are hard;
Fierce winds are bound to blow;
God is forever able;
Hold on to what you know;
Imagine life without His love;
Joy would cease to be;
Keep thanking Him for all the things;
Love imparts to thee;
Move out of "Camp complaining";
No weapon that is known;
On earth can yield the power;
Praise can do alone;
Quit looking at the future;
Redeem the time at hand;
Start every day with worship;
To "thank" is a command;
Until we see Him coming;
Victorious in the sky;
We'll run the race with gratitude;
Xalting God most high;
Yes, there’ll be good times and yes some will be bad; but . . .
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
25.The Pumpkin
John Greenleaf Whittier - 1807-1892
Oh, greenly and fair in the lands of the sun,
The vines of the gourd and the rich melon run,
And the rock and the tree and the cottage enfold,
With broad leaves all greenness and blossoms all gold,
Like that which o'er Nineveh's prophet once grew,
While he waited to know that his warning was true,
And longed for the storm-cloud, and listened in vain
For the rush of the whirlwind and red fire-rain.
On the banks of the Xenil the dark Spanish maiden
Comes up with the fruit of the tangled vine laden;
And the Creole of Cuba laughs out to behold
Through orange-leaves shining the broad spheres of gold;
Yet with dearer delight from his home in the North,
On the fields of his harvest the Yankee looks forth,
Where crook-necks are coiling and yellow fruit shines,
And the sun of September melts down on his vines.
Ah! on Thanksgiving day, when from East and from West,
From North and from South comes the pilgrim and guest;
When the gray-haired New Englander sees round his board
The old broken links of affection restored,
When the care-wearied man seeks his mother once more,
And the worn matron smiles where the girl smiled before,
What moistens the lip and what brightens the eye?
What calls back the past, like the rich Pumpkin pie?
Oh, fruit loved of boyhood! the old days recalling,
When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling!
When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin,
Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!
When we laughed round the corn-heap, with hearts all in tune,
Our chair a broad pumpkin,—our lantern the moon,
Telling tales of the fairy who travelled like steam
In a pumpkin-shell coach, with two rats for her team!
Then thanks for thy present! none sweeter or better
E'er smoked from an oven or circled a platter!
Fairer hands never wrought at a pastry more fine,
Brighter eyes never watched o'er its baking, than thine!
And the prayer, which my mouth is too full to express,
Swells my heart that thy shadow may never be less,
That the days of thy lot may be lengthened below,
And the fame of thy worth like a pumpkin-vine grow,
And thy life be as sweet, and its last sunset sky
Golden-tinted and fair as thy own Pumpkin pie!
![]() Thanksgiving is a big holiday in the US and Canada. Bu there are some differences between Thanksgiving from the two countries. Read on to know ... |
![]() Thanksgiving Day, annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. You won't believe these ... |
![]() Celebrated on a yearly basis, Thanksgiving might still be a mysterious day for many people. In case you're one of them, let us show you ... |