Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs
Weekend Horoscope (May 7-9)

Aries Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon makes you royalty for a day, or for the weekend, as the case may be. You are filled with passion, ambitions, and a clear sense of what you want to do and accomplish. Venus in Gemini activates your third house of communication and learning, and you’re reminded of the classes and workshops you’ve been intending to take. There’s no time like the present, so sign up and get that ball rolling. A Life Path Psychic can help validate your decisions, according to Californiapsychics.

Friday to Sunday is a great time to make plans because you will be mentally sharp and decisive. A positive attitude and self-confidence also make this a good time to impress someone or convince them of something you are passionate about. Intimate relations will certainly benefit from your sensual words and hands. So give your partner a massage or ask someone out on a date. Teamwork and traveling for work will be profitable.

Taurus Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon shines in your twelfth house of dreams all weekend long. To reap the most benefit from the weekend you may want to focus on mystical and emotional matters. Venus, your ruling planet, leaves your sign and moves into Gemini. By Sunday you’ll feel the full effects of that transit as your second house of material affairs and prosperity lights up with her presence. A Money Psychic can help you make the best use of the blessings she’s ready to bestow.

Gemini Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon harmonizes with your Gemini energy and lights up friendship in your chart and sextiles your ruling planet, Mercury. Great and fulfilling conversation is indicated by this transit, so make time for your tribe of kindred spirits. Venus moves into Gemini and lights up your first house of self, underscoring your attractiveness, intelligence, curiosity, and wonderful sense of humor. A Love Psychic can help you decide whether to keep trying or if you need to let go and move on to greener pastures.

Cancer Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon shines brightly in your tenth house of career, and the sextile to Saturn generates focus, deepening and strengthening your business skills. The trine to benevolent Jupiter creates money luck and financial opportunities. Even though it’s the weekend, you might want to tend to career matters, as your professional life could benefit greatly. Venus moves into Gemini and brightens up your twelfth house of dreams. A Dream Analysis Psychic can help you decipher the message your dream is trying to deliver.

Leo Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon harmonizes with your Leo energy and lights up your ninth house of the higher mind and expansion. Venus moves into Gemini in your eleventh house of metaphysics and underscores that theme. Love of learning and new experiences, curiosity, and a need for stimulation and expansion all go hand in hand and move you forward. Any tendency to stand still disappears and you’re excited to see what happens next. A Clairvoyant Psychic can help guide you toward your highest good.

Virgo Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon lights up your eighth house of hidden mysteries, increasing your emotional sensitivity and psychic perceptions. With the sextile to communicative Mercury, you may even have a mediumistic experience; a guide, teacher, or ancestor can make an appearance, so don’t be scared. Venus moves into lively, light-hearted Gemini and your career takes a leap forward. Opportunities present themselves and you’ll need to make a choice. A Career Advice Psychic can help you decide if you need to change directions or keep going.

Saturday and Sunday bring an increased need for love and affection. However, relationship tension is possible, especially if there is an imbalance involving emotional support and love; the amount of love received is not the same as the amount given. Such relationship issues may be a recurring problem with a continual build-up then release of tension. Even if you are single you may still experience an internal imbalance involving self-love and how you feel about yourself.

Libra Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon lights up your seventh house of partnership and commitment and the sextile to Mercury bodes well for excellent communication and conversation. Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into lively Gemini and harmonizes with your Libra energy, lifting your spirits, expanding your awareness, increasing your joy, and lighting up your desire to learn and grow. Follow those breadcrumbs! A Life Path Psychic can put your mind at ease and give you the support you need in order to keep moving forward.

Scorpio Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon illuminates your sixth house of work and self-care, making evident what’s working well, and what isn’t. The sextile to Mercury gives you the positive energy you need for an important conversation. Venus moves into uplifting Gemini and lights up your eighth house of shared resources and intimacy. You’ll know by how you feel whether you need to stay or go. Listen and trust yourself. A Clairvoyant Psychic can deepen your self-confidence and help put your mind at rest.

Sagittarius Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon harmonizes with your Sagittarian energy and lights up your fifth house of creativity and passion. You have all the energy you need to take your favorite projects to the next level. Venus moves into Gemini and activates your seventh house of partnership. She knows what she wants and is clear about where things stand. Listen to her wisdom and let her guide you. A Love Psychic can help you feel better about the important decisions you need to make.

Capricorn Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

Your home life receives the full focus of the fiery Aries Moon and the sextile to Mercury allows you to talk about the things that need to be addressed. Even though it might not be easy to bring things up, the conversation needs to happen. Venus moves into Gemini and brings bright blessings to your sixth house of work. Her openness and lightheartedness are a breath of fresh air, so don’t fight the changes that she brings. A Career Advice Psychic can help you decide what you need to do next.

Aquarius Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon harmonizes with your Aquarian energy lighting up your third house of learning and communication. Venus moves into Gemini, activating your fifth house of creativity. Your curiosity increases, your desire to explore, grow, and learn new things expands, and you suddenly have a clear understanding of what you want. The collaboration between your drive to communicate and to creatively express yourself opens new doors and a new chapter begins in your life. A Clairvoyant Psychic can help you see which path to take.

Pisces Astrological Predictions for This Weekend (May 7 - 9)

Weekend Horoscope (May 7 - 9): Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Aries Moon illuminates your second house of money and the sextile to Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter bode very well for increasing your prosperity. Take the steps necessary to learn more about financial matters so you can grab the reins and steer in the direction you know is best. Venus moves into Gemini and lights up your fourth house of home and family, making your abode more joyful and nurturing. A Money Psychic can help guide you in the right direction.

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