Weekly Horoscope 16 to 22 August 2021: Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health
Weekly Horoscope from 16 to 22 August, 2021

Weekly Horoscope from 16 to 22 August: Overview

*Venus will also be moving along the zodiac, transiting through her domicile sign of Libra on the 16th, dominating the second half of the month. In this placement, we will see the yang and assertive version of the goddess of beauty. In Libra, Venus will bring peace and harmony to our close relationships as we become more open to others’ needs. Many couples might start taking their relationships to the next level—this is wedding season, after all.

*The Aquarian Full Moon will use the positivity surrounding all these other transits to manifest a great sense of mental security. The Saturnian qualities of the sign will be pivotal for carrying this willingness to work around our limitations through the rest of the year. Aquarius will make us aware of all the work that is left for us to do. Still, it will also give us the intelligence to come up with creative solutions to overcome them.

* For most of the zodiac signs, the horoscope for this week (16 to 22 August) promises to chase several hares at the same time. As a result, it will not be clear what to bet on, and as a result: a month of empty hassle and unnecessary body movements.

ARIES Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 -22, you will experience a surprise that will concern your financial affairs, a document or the emergence of a new professional commitment.

It will be very important this week to guard against hasty decisions about enticing promises. Control your emotions, which can also be your enemy.

Be careful with offers and offers, especially those that have to do with work abroad, living abroad or quick profits.

Beware of any forms of fraud or manipulation by people or companies that are not in your city or country.

Emotionally, the week will be dynamic and changeable, with unexpected twists in the realization of your plans and tasks. This will also affect your family life. The mood in your home will vary from minor to major or vice versa....

This week will be more favorable for starting a new love affair, but here too I warn: do not force its development!

During this week you will feel the lack of people who are far away from you or are in the Otherworld.

During the week you will be able to achieve success and important results in your work and business. However, there is a high probability that tension will arise in your relationship with a colleague or client.

Boys and girls will be waiting for the results of their previous actions, exams, performances or some other work. You will remember this week with a purchase for you personally.

Women will have a dynamic week of contacts with people from different distances. You have important conversations and decisions related to different areas of your life ahead of you.

Men will face the stubborn nature of another man, who may be a son, nephew, brother or other young man.

TAURUS Weekly Horoscope

The week from 16 to 22 August you will experience interesting and useful events related to money or documents that will be important for your future.

You may be surprised by news related to an engagement, wedding or future motherhood.

You will have a lot of tasks to complete this week. Many people will be willing to help you because they love or sympathize with you.

This will be a week in which you will have a good income and profits from work or business, from public or charity events and more.

Many of you this week will have to help your relatives or friends with money or other help.

During these seven days you will expect an important event, meeting or visit of a relative, most likely someone who does not live in the same place as you.

During the week you will be able to surprise a phone call, email, letter or shipment.

Young men and women will have enough energy and opportunities to solve their troubles. Do not strive to please everyone, but try to live in harmony.

Men will have to judge some of the events of the past week. This will help you correct your mistakes or hasty decisions. Be wise and do not deepen the trouble that has already arisen. Leave your horns in the wardrobe....

Women will have an engagement with a man who will bring them some success or some other benefit.

GEMINI Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, you will have important conversations related to the development of your specific commitments or actions. In most cases, they will concern your family, children's education, innovations in your home and more.

During the week you will have conversations related to pregnancy or childbirth in your family or in the family of your friends.

The week will be favorable for travel, mainly for tourism or agricultural work.

New acquaintances with people from other cities and countries will have an interesting and useful development for you.

Weekly Horoscope 16 to 22 August 2021: Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health
GEMINI Weekly Horoscope

It is possible to travel for family reasons, related to reunions with relatives on various occasions.

An unforeseen stressful situation will arise in your work, which will cause panic or fear of some loss, punishment, failure, etc.

Your family relationships will be the subject of intrigue or other actions of vicious and envious people who are definitely bored and looking for activities. It's up to you how to protect your family from such attacks, although it's best to ignore them.

Temporary worries about money or a financial document will arise this week.

Costs for treatment, therapy, dentistry, cosmetic procedures, etc. are possible.

Boys and girls - let them not linger at home during these summer days. Your chances now will somehow be related to travel and people from different distances. At the same time, do not try to run away from your commitments, because there are things you will have to do alone at home.

Women will have cause for joy, which will be associated with an event in their personal or romantic life. You may have conversations with people who will try to involve you in something that is not legal, risky, most likely to be lost, failed, or maligned.

Men will have to be careful with their ambitions to achieve something, even at the cost of some cunning or deception. Do not think that this will go unnoticed. Your emotional and sexual activity will culminate during these seven days.

CANCER Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16-22, you can expect the development of positive events for you, mostly of a financial nature. During these seven days you can expect to receive money through a document.

This will be an auspicious week for signing a document that will get you money or a higher salary in the near future.

During this week you will make a decision related to a gathering, an upcoming visit or a meeting. The reason for this will be unexpected events in the lives of people with whom you have such plans.

Any information this week, as strange or frivolous as it may seem to you, can turn out to be completely different and positive in reality.

It won't be a mistake to keep your reserved attitude, but check things out before you reject something.

This week you will have an unexpected meeting or an unexpected visit. This way you can get important news or information.

During the week you will experience several surprises that will come through people you already know.

This will also be an auspicious week for romantic acquaintances and meetings.

Boys and girls will be emotionally sensitive. This week, women will play an important role in your money affairs. You will feel a strong desire to improve or change family or home conditions.

Men will enjoy a very active social life. You will have meetings with interesting and useful people from different settlements or countries. You will have enhanced emotional ties with women or family members.

Women will invest more feelings and energy in their love life. You may feel that someone else is taking a serious interest in your partner. Avoid confrontations or displays of force, because in love this does not bring success. Overall, this will be a turbulent week for you. External excitement will reflect your intentions.

LEO Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, there will be an engagement related to the property or belongings of a relative who does not live with you or who is in the Otherworld.

This will be an auspicious week for treatment, for recovery from illness, for solving difficult problems in the family.

During this week you will have the necessary opportunities and circumstances to stabilize your home affairs. This applies to items or equipment in your home, settling relations with neighbors or tenants, legalizing property you have purchased, and more.

The week will favor the restoration of broken friendships or relatives, making new acquaintances in a strange or unexpected way. It will be important for you to maintain active relationships with the people around you, because during these seven days, it is through them that you will receive useful information for you.

You may meet friends or acquaintances in unexpected places or at unexpected times.

During the week you will have a complicated relationship or you will experience frustration with a child. Your relationship with the younger generation will be complicated due to the experience you have and want to impose on them and their great desire to maintain their independence.

Financially, you will have an interesting and favorable week for your income. Do not look for new sources at any cost, but keep the ones you have created so far.

Young men and women will be dreamy, distracted, and inclined to think unrealistically. Unwanted or exciting psychic experiences are possible.

Women will be so immersed in the world of their own worries that it will be difficult to pay attention to the people around them. You will be unable to respond to the moods and ideas of others. In your relationship you will be evasive and avoid serious commitments.

Men will find it difficult to perceive reality accurately and correctly. You may be subject to some scam. There may be a delay or disorder in postal items, letters, documents. Avoid signing an important contract during these seven days.

VIRGO Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, you will experience a conflict with a man whom you will try to force to accept your advice or desire.

During the week for various reasons, children and young people will be the cause of positive emotions.

If your work is related to children or young people, this week you will experience a professional challenge. It will definitely have a good effect on your experience and career.

During the week you will have to lend a hand to a woman close to you who is going through a period of depression, sadness and emotional confusion in her life. With tenderness and emotional support you will help her overcome this difficult period.

Do not ignore your health problems this week. If you allow this now, they will cause more serious problems in the future.

Boys and girls will have the opportunity to establish friendly relations with energetic or important people. You will have a broad view of life, and you will have a desire to develop your knowledge of the world around you.

Men will find themselves in a difficult situation at work and not only there. You understand well the difficulty of the situation you are in, but it will be difficult for you to react properly (not without the help of someone else). Try to get additional information about everything that creates confusion in your life during these seven days.

Women will be subject to a high sense of responsibility and professionalism at work. It is possible to renew your past romantic relationship if you have such a desire. This week you will make long-term plans for your future. This will be a good time to conduct important legal cases.

LIBRA Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, you will take advantage of a new opportunity to make important progress in the development of your plans. A certain event will provoke the need to make an important decision that will determine your future change in your way of working or in your way of life. People who are your relatives play a special role in your life this week.

This week expect money that you will receive through a document, a contract, an agreement.

It is possible to make a purchase through a document, on installment or through a bank loan.

This will be an auspicious week for settling documents related to the contract, production and other important things.

Weekly Horoscope 16 to 22 August 2021: Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health
LIBRA Weekly Horoscope

This week you will make a serious and responsible promise that will have a relationship with someone outside your home.

This week you will expect news related to the settlement of financial relations. You will have reason to rejoice in current or upcoming cash receipts.

This will be an auspicious week to find a reasonable and practical solution to an unpleasant situation in your personal life.

Young men and women will need harmony around them, home comfort and a sense of security. Various serious tasks related to some kind of homework are possible. In fact, during these seven days you can be much more sensitive to family matters.

Men will be on the threshold of an important period of their lives, which will determine their development in the more distant future. It is possible to establish friendly relations with energetic and important people. It is possible to take more responsibility in a new endeavor.

Women will make some improvements in their home, which will make them proud and happy with the work done. First of all, you should note the luck that will accompany you everywhere.

SCORPIO Weekly Horoscope

The week from 16 to 22 August you will have interesting conversations and experiences with colleagues, managers or clients at work.

In general, during these seven days, your work or business will be your priority, and this will be due to the development of events that will be important for your future affairs.

During the week you will be influenced in your actions and decisions by the advice or information you will receive from a woman.

Important for the development of your personal affairs will be your contacts with people who represent a government institution, bank, tax administration and others.

A new acquaintance will meet you with an interesting person from whom you will have something to learn.

During the week, only your self-control will be able to protect you from unpleasant situations and conflicts.

During these seven days, you may be surprised by an unexpected gain in your family.

The boys and girls will go through a very active week, with many engagements, meetings and conversations. Surprises will come from a variety of places and from people who will appear in your life during this week.

You are about to have an interesting experience with a woman over 35 years of age.

Men will experience an emotionally personal drama or an incident involving a woman or a girl. Some events during the week will show you the importance of each day of our lives and its uniqueness, uniqueness. During these seven days, do not be afraid to make important decisions, but they should not be your own goal, but well thought out and discussed with your loved ones.

Women will invest energy and effort in various household chores, improvements and repairs of household items and more. You will make very bold plans for your future. You will be looking for a specific contact or meeting with a person born under the sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. A boy or young man from your circle of relatives, friends or acquaintances will be an occasion for a gathering or a special experience.

SAGITTARIUS Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, various surprises will determine the development of future events, decisions or meetings.

Some of you will use the favorable trends of the week to start a change, something new in life. Thus, for this reason, you will focus your attention on specific actions and events.

Overall, the week will be positive for you. if you allow for the natural development of events.

During the week you will have meetings and gatherings with friends or nice people.

You may receive a suggestion or information that will be useful to you. You will have the opportunity to implement them in the next few months.

When making bold plans for your future, beware of falling into some self-delusion or illusion that can lead you in the wrong direction, costing you a waste of time or money.

Events in the life of a loved one will sadden or upset you.

The boys and girls will go through a favorable week to complete the work left behind. This week you will have more strength, vital energy and you will be more determined and daring.

Men will have interesting contacts or fruitful relationships with people born under the water zodiac signs. The week will help develop and harmonize your family relationships. This will be a good week to change the environment where you live or work.

Women will be irritable and hypersensitive due to some minor setbacks or difficulties. The tense situation in your home or workplace will be largely your fault.

CAPRICORN Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, you will engage in an event that will be important for your close woman. There may be a need for a suitable gift or flowers if the event takes place in a public place.

During the week you will have an urgent meeting or an important conversation that will require a lot of patience on your part. It will be important for you to be able to express your thoughts correctly, not to misunderstand or not to be misunderstood.

The week will be favorable for traveling mainly in the country where you live. However, the purpose of such a trip will be important for your family or work. Travel for tourism and leisure will meet you with interesting people.

Weekly Horoscope 16 to 22 August 2021: Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health
Carpricorn Weekly Horoscope - Photo: Star Naming

If you have expectations for cash flow this week, then things may turn out in an unexpected way for you.

During the week there will be expenses for the home, which in some cases will even make you look for a short-term loan.

Emotionally, the week will be complicated for love affairs where there is a third party intervention. Avoid direct confrontation or dishonest actions. If you are given something to have, it will stay with you, if not - let it go.

The week will be productive and successful for your professional development. You will have the opportunity to achieve concrete success or job satisfaction.

Young men and women will need to focus more seriously on their education or career. This is important for achieving stability, a foundation on which you will continue to build your future. Conflicts can be caused by more stress or fatigue.

Women will enjoy news or financial documents. Your personal life can also be a source of pleasant emotions. You will be surprised by an interest in you or someone's attempts to learn more about your personal life.

Men will experience failure or loss, which will be a necessity to free you from unnecessary commitments or people. This week you will find out that you are still making the same mistakes and that some life lessons have remained unlearned. Seek wisdom in the past through the difficulties you have gone through.

AQUARIUS Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, some of you will start higher education or other education, qualification, etc.

During this week you will be able to enjoy a prosperous public or political life if you are a public figure or committed to a political party initiative.

Success in business or in the career of a person in your family will be a cause for pride or celebration in your home.

During the week there will be an important role of parent: for men - the mother, and for women - the father, no matter where they are.

This week will enrich you with new friendships near and far. At certain times you will receive help or useful information from them, but you will also give information or such help to your friends.

You will have the opportunity to realize your expectations and plans related to travel, with meetings with friends and relatives from afar.

If you have a business, it will have the opportunity to expand beyond the boundaries of the town where you live.

An unpleasant accident in your work is possible.

The boys and girls will leave with high hopes this week. You will rely on promise or support from people born under the sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. You will need to help parents or relatives with some household chores and tasks.

Men will have useful contacts with men, mostly related to some job or business. Your friendly relations with men will be a source of different emotions, will be an occasion for different meetings and gatherings.

Women will experience instability in feelings, mood swings, frustrations or inconsistencies will easily arise between your desires and those of the people around you. Unexpected money or extra money in your family budget is likely.

PISCES Weekly Horoscope

The week of August 16 - 22, be careful and correct in money commitments. This will be especially important for those related to people who may be your relatives, colleagues or neighbors.

During the week you will have a reason to enjoy an event in your home, which can be caused by an important news.

During the week, the emergence of a new opportunity for you or a person in your family will be the cause of special experiences.

During these seven days you will have the opportunity to solve a housing problem, move to a new home, make an important change in your home and more.

During the week, your close relative may need to be absent from work or experience other unexpected events related to changes in their workplace.

If you have a flirtation or a romantic relationship at work, there will be various intrigues, complications in your personal relationships with colleagues.

Negligence and inattention on the part of a loved one to things or appliances in the home will be an occasion for quarrels in the family.

Avoid buying expensive items for your home this week.

Boys and girls can expect unexpected luck. However, in general, during the week you will fall into sad moods more often, in some cases due to ill health. Expect news from afar or finding a lost, forgotten item.

Women will be unstable in terms of health, which may be due to greater stress in your daily life or in your improper lifestyle. Care for the health of a relative is not excluded. You will consider a trip, but you will still lack confidence in its meaning or success. Your financial problems will require a more practical distribution of your expenses.

Men will have more engagements and contacts with relatives, friends or neighbors. You will discuss various important events for you or for them from your daily life or from your work. The week will be remembered with a big event in the family or of a family nature. There will be surprises in your love life as well.

Watch Video Weekly Horoscope - August 2021: